2-5 December 2013, Geneva, Switzerland

The Thirteenth Meeting of States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty (13MSP) took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 2 to 5 December 2013, followed by a one day preparatory meeting of the Third Review Conference on 6 December 2013.

States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty gave progress updates and shared plans on implementing their treaty obligations or joining the treaty, as well as discussing aims and preparations for Third Review Conference that will take place in 2014.

See also the 13MSP webpage on the official convention website.

ICBL Statements and Summaries

ICBL Side Events

For the full schedule of 13MSP side events visit: http://www.apminebanconvention.org/fileadmin/pdf/mbc/MSP/13MSP/13MSP-Side-Events-26Nov2013.pdf

Landmine Monitor 2013 Briefing
Hosted by the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, 2 December 2013

HI presentation on Victim Assistance in the context of Mines and Explosive Remnants of War during the side event on:

Victim Assistance: Policies and Programming for Children and Families
Hosted by UNICEF, Colombia and Austria, 2 December 2013

Exhibition launch: “The difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
Hosted by the CCD and the ICBL-CMC, 3 December 2013

Mozambique: Handicap International’s work to advance the provision of victim assistance
Hosted by Handicap International, 6 December 2013

Press Releases and Media Advisories

Press release and Major Findings for Landmine Monitor 2013

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact: Jared Bloch, ICBL-CMC Media and Communications Manager, Tel: +41-78-683-4407, email Jared@icblcmc.org

Social Media

ICBL Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/minefreeworld
ICBL Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/minefreeworld/collections/72157638236959383/ and take a look at some of mine ban community having their photos taken in protective equipment and gearing up to 'Commit to Complete'
ICBL Twitter: https://twitter.com/minefreeworld

Campaign Tools

Memo for Government Delegates: The ICBL memo provides guidance on key issues pertinent to the 13MSP and practical information for government delegates to prepare and actively participate in the meeting. Click here to download the Memo in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

One-Month Countdown: is a global action of the ICBL with the aims of promoting implementation and universalization of the Mine Ban Treaty in the lead up to the 13MSP and active participation by government representatives at the 13MSP. Click here to download the Countdown in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

ICBL Leaflet: View or download the leaflet introducing the ICBL - perfect for people who don't know about us yet! The leaflet is also available in French, in Spanish and in Arabic.

ICBL Mine Ban Treaty video: Mine Ban Treaty

Additional Campaigning Tools are available here.Logistical InfoTo download the

logistical memo please click here.

From now until December, we will send you regular updates and we invite you to liaise with us for any questions or enquiries at 13msp@icblcmc.org

The official program, list of side events, Geneva progress report, and other background information on 13MSP can be found on the Implementation Support Unit (ISU) website at: http://www.apminebanconvention.org/meetings-of-the-states-parties/13msp/

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